
John William Tuohy lives in Washington DC

The artistic journey

I run blogs on Greek philosophy, Roman history, psychology, American history, literature, painting, Pop art, writing and Latin. I spend my time doing this, posting every morning for one hour, because it helps me endure with day to day life, it makes life more pleasant.

During that hour in the early morning, I find myself and I lose myself in the arts. It’s almost a scared time for me.  But let me explain, that doesn’t mean I spend my time working on art to separate myself from life. Not at all.  Despite what some people think, the arts are not meant to escape reality but rather to enhance it.  

So I run those blogs because the arts restore me and really, if you think about it, that’s what the arts for; to revive the imagination, to renew the creative soul and to see what is invisible to someone else. As Picasso said “The Purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls”